The experience of developing a co-op game alone, in first and third person.This is how it is with the game Cyborg3003
Developing a co-op game on Unreal Engine alone has its challenges.In the case of Cyborg 3003, the biggest one for me is adapting the game to the network environment.Of course, having some friends or partners who help you with criticism and opinions is always very important.I highlight here the help of Freddy Hajas who created Call of Duty Rio, a person passionate about games and extremely professional. It's always great to meet people like that.
In a co-op game, there are so many details that we must take into consideration that we begin to realize that it is a new world, a new method of producing games. Basically what we need is to replicate everything that happens in the server environment to the clients, those who will enter the server and play with you.

It really isn't an easy task, each sound, item, action etc. must happen in tune with the game, otherwise you can have duplicate items, sounds happening at the same time etc.
It is important to have a second computer for testing or a friend who is online, ready to help with the tests.
My advice as a developer is to solve one problem at a time, without losing focus and only stop once the problem is solved. Of course, this involves a lot of study, research, trial and error. After so much effort, the work is rewarded with playing among friends and potential fans of your game.
But as I always say, the most difficult thing is to have a community, even if small, that is passionate about your game, that comments, participates, helps the game to be better known, standing out in the midst of a sea of indie games that are released every day and more and more.

I hope you enjoy the game Cyborg3003, I make it with great care, without getting caught up in trends. It is indeed a work where I enjoy every second, every enemy, monster, alien, planet, every piece of the cyborg, all of this is something that I really enjoy and I hope that other people can have fun and be influenced by my work.

Whether you are a game developer or just a gamer, have fun playing games. And if you want a game with a lot of challenge, just try to beat Cyborg3003 in Hardcore mode, without taking any damage, thus achieving the long-awaited achievement "Cyborg Exceptional"
See you later, folks,
Rodrigo Banzato